Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Roleplayers for Hidden Peril RP wanted

Note: At least one journalist is needed to start. There is no limitation to number of characters.

Link: roleplay/hidden-peril/

After recent murders, kidnappings and bomb plots in the land of Faisalistan, a group of journalists set out to get a good story on the fights between insurgents and the Faisali government. But they underestimate the situation and put themselves in great danger, especially because no one knows who could be an insurgent. Even a young pregnant civilian woman or an old man could be one. Soon after, landing in Faisalistan, their bus runs over an IED killing the bus driver and one passenger. Luckily the journalists have only gotten minor or less severe injuries. After that incident, they always get out alive somehow. Hopefully they will be about to write a good story on their personal experiences. On their way to find a good catch, they meet many people but some are, without the journalists knowing, insurgents.

Faisalistan: Faisalistan is a nation with desert in the south and Mediterranean woodlands to the north. It is about twice the size of France and has a population of 48 million. Its capital is Allehakur. Notable cities are Khoraz, Melundas and Saif. The countries main industries are carpet weaving, moped manufacturing, silk, olives, plums, some resources of oil and plum liquor. The average GNP per capita is about $9000. The nations currency is the Faisali Dinira. Many roads and highways are paved except for those leading towards villages. The Faisali government is a pro-Western democracy. The military is fairly small at 20000 troops. Most of the military weapons are outdated and of soviet origin.

Faisali culture: The Faisali culture is in family matters matriarchal, but otherwise genders have almost equal rights. The men in traditional clothing normally wear a tunic in black, blue, brown or red, a turban and sometimes a scarf. They also wear long pants made of linen normally coloured dark blue and sandals. Women normally wear as traditional clothing a embroidered dress in white or a white tunic with white or black pants and sandals. Their clothing includes a small round cap with similar patterns to a beanie just in red or shades of blue. Less common among women are tall round hats. Hooded cloaks are often worn on windy or cold days. Women only wear veils when there is a sand storm.
The Faisalis are proud of their heritage and see culture as something important. They often have parties on Saturdays after visiting the Tayyib, their temple of worship. They believe in a religion where there is one goddess who has many male and female consorts. One denomination views these consorts as lower gods and goddesses. Their religion is believe to be oppressive against male rights by other nations although this isnt the case.
Faisalis are known for their hospitality, even though it is known that they have killed enemies in their sleep or have staged accidents in which their enemies have died after staying in their house. Because of this, people from the neighboring nations view Faisalis either as sinister assassins or as backstabbers.

Faisali architecture: Faisalis normally live in limestone houses that can go from one floor to five floors depending on the size of the family. In larger cities, taller buildings and some skyscrapers are noticeable.

Faisali language: Faisali is mostly viewed as an isolated language with many loanwords from Persian, Arabic, Russian and Punjabi. Some language researchers say it is a language with its own branch within the Indo-Iranian language family with very distant parallels to Persian but also to Indian languages.

The people: Faisalis are normally tanned like many peoples in the Middle and Near East. They have been described as one of the most beautiful peoples on the planet. But often bad dental care pulls this image down.

The insurgents cause: The insurgents are believed to be angry towards the government due to the governments pro-Western stance and the recent construction of an international military base. The complete disregard for the nations culture and traditions actually triggered the attacks.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/bLRrnrA6gaM/viewtopic.php

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