Monday, July 23, 2012

Now That You've Decided On Direct Sales | My Network Marketing ...

Now that you?ve decided that direct sales is the right fit for you, you need to pick a company. ?As I mentioned here, there are many things to consider when deciding on a direct sales company to join. ?What products are you already using in your daily life, that already come from a direct sales company, or you would be willing to replace from your own business. ?How much of an investment are you able, or willing, to make in order to get started. ?Most of the well established direct sales companies require you to purchase a kit to sign up as a consultant. ?The cost varies from $20 up to over $1000, depending on the company and the level of kit that you purchase. ?This decision will also be partially based on what company do you think you want to join.

Since every company has their own kits and requirements, you really need to decide on the type of products that you want to sell, before you can move forward. ?Once you know that, you can do your research to find out what companies are available with that product. ?A great place to look for companies is the Direct Selling Association. ?They have a database of member companies that you can search based on product type. ?There are companies out there for nearly any kind of product that you can think of.

Be sure to find out how many active consultants are in your area for the companies that you are researching. ?They will tell you that it doesn?t matter because it?s your business and you?ll have a different set of contacts from others in your area, but unfortunately it can play a very key role in starting your business. ?If there is already a rep on every street corner that is active with their business, then you may want to look into something else, or go into it knowing that you already have a lot of competition in your local market.

Find out what the companies sales quotas are, if any, and be realistic about whether or not you can meet those requirements with the time?commitment?that you are able to put forth. ?Direct sales is not easy and sales are not just going to start rolling in because you have a company website and post the link a few places. ?You have to be willing to talk about your business to everyone possible, in order to be successful. ?The more people you talk to, the more likely you are to get sales, so be realistic.

What other tips would you like on how to choose the right company for you?

Now That You?ve Decided On Direct Sales


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