Sunday, July 29, 2012

Indoor Activities For The Monsoon | Mom's Diaries

It has been a dull, drippy, grey, wet and rainy couple of weeks and the child has been quite tired of being cooped up in the house. How do you keep a child active and enthusiastic through days and days of virtual house arrest while the skies pour outside?

Playdates can be your saviour. Figure out days when you can have some good friends of your child come over for a couple of hours, or when your child can visit a friend?s home. Plan various board games they can do together or dress-up-and-fun activities; help them put up a short skit once they figure out the storyline themselves.

If your child has some school projects lined up, a rainy day can be the best for getting this done, or else start a project of your own which you can do with your child. Make an underwater seascape in a cut out shoe box, or create a wall painting with some stencils and paints for his or her room. See what artistic talent your child has and plan these activities accordingly.

If you have a daughter who is into baubles and dolls (forgive me for the stereotyping, but this so does happen!) you could check out the bracelet and necklace making kits available in the market and get them to make some trinkets for themselves and friends.

According to studies, getting your child interested in craft projects can increase problem solving skills, boost self esteem when successfully finishing a project and also radically improves creativity, concentration and perseverance.

Teach your child dumb charades or any of the games we played as children, like Name/Place/Animal/Thing which were great ways to improve one?s general knowledge and yet have fun.

If you have an exercise ball or a trampoline at home, use it to bounce or exercise together to have fun.?Spend an afternoon making a family photo wall. Take prints of your favourite family photographs, and paste them on a huge board together. Get the board laminated and hang it on a wall.

If you are the artistic type yourself you could sit with your child and make hand puppets and put up your own puppet show, get your child to help you with the storyline and the characters and put up a performance for his or her friends.

If all else fails, rent a good children?s movie from the library, microwave popcorn, dim the lights and create a home theatre experience.?Enjoy the indoors!

Tags: activities, art, craft, monsoon, toys


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