Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wyoming, here I come. . . - Gun & Game - Gun Forum Community

Old Yesterday, 01:59 PM ? #1

Firearm Zealot


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Wyoming, here I come. . .

I live in Colorado, and it has all but completely gone to the ignorant sheeple that have infiltrated our state legislature and government from California. With all of the anti-gun bull crap on the docket here in Denver today, and the financial practices heading down the same road of bankruptcy that California thought was the best idea, this State of Colorado is doomed.

Last year we had Zero (0) hunting related deaths in Colorado. But, 18 people died while skiing. We haven't had any incidents yet this year either, but there have already been 13 skiing deaths in Colorado.

"Why do I relate these two activities?" You may ask. Well, in Colorado, Hunting and skiing are the two recreational sports that bring in the #1 and #2 highest revenue for the state. Hunting brings in over $9 Billion annually. Skiing is the only other recreation that brings in more at about $23 Billion.

What I don't get is people move here, they say they love Colorado and they love the people. That is because of the culture and our history. But then they want to change it to be the same as the craphole the came from. It is pathetic.

If today's senate approves of these ignorant, fear mongering and uninformed anti-gun laws, I will be shifting gears and trying my hardest to do as Magpull is threatening and get the hell out of here and move north to Wyoming.

Don't let their ignorance and hate intimidate.

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Old Yesterday, 02:23 PM ? #3

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I live in Colorado, and it has all but completely gone to the ignorant sheeple that have infiltrated our state legislature and government from California. With all of the anti-gun bull crap on the docket here in Denver today, and the financial practices heading down the same road of bankruptcy that California thought was the best idea, this State of Colorado is doomed.

Last year we had Zero (0) hunting related deaths in Colorado. But, 18 people died while skiing. We haven't had any incidents yet this year either, but there have already been 13 skiing deaths in Colorado.

"Why do I relate these two activities?" You may ask. Well, in Colorado, Hunting and skiing are the two recreational sports that bring in the #1 and #2 highest revenue for the state. Hunting brings in over $9 Billion annually. Skiing is the only other recreation that brings in more at about $23 Billion.

What I don't get is people move here, they say they love Colorado and they love the people. That is because of the culture and our history. But then they want to change it to be the same as the craphole the came from. It is pathetic.

If today's senate approves of these ignorant, fear mongering and uninformed anti-gun laws, I will be shifting gears and trying my hardest to do as Magpull is threatening and get the hell out of here and move north to Wyoming.

We know your pain. More people move down here everyday and talk about how much they love the South. Then they do everything they can to turn it into the North. Heck, we lost Florida years ago and Atlanta is beginning to suck Georgia down the drain. New Orleans has already sucked most of LA down the tubes.
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Old Yesterday, 02:41 PM ? #4

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Same crap is going on in Montana. Complete infestation by liberal roaches from both diseased coasts. Doing their best, to ruin everything they come in contact with.

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Old Yesterday, 02:47 PM ? #5

Firearm Zealot


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This is nothing short of being exactly like the crusades. They take their belief system and send out crusaders to go around forcing their way upon other cultures. Death and ostracize anyone who resists.

I honestly believe there will be a bloody revolution in this country before I reach the age of retirement.

Don't let their ignorance and hate intimidate.

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Old Yesterday, 02:55 PM ? #6

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This is nothing short of being exactly like the crusades. They take their belief system and send out crusaders to go around forcing their way upon other cultures. Death and ostracize anyone who resists.

I honestly believe there will be a bloody revolution in this country before I reach the age of retirement.

Mighty cold up there brother. You may want to consider Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. We don't have the snow-capped peaks, but we have a wazoo of good Conservative thinking people that take care of each other in time of need.

Warning! My dog has a gun and refuses to take his meds!

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Old Yesterday, 03:13 PM ? #7

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I grew up in Idaho, then moved to silverton, CO. for a few years. Living that high up in avalanche country, we were pretty much isolated from the bureauracratic bs. It was definetly GOD's country , but i skedattled back to ID. .............

Take a look at Idaho if you want a nicer change of scenery compared to the sagebrush and antelope of wyoming.........

Government is not the solution to our problem. The government is the problem. Ronald Reagan

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Old Yesterday, 03:36 PM ? #8



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I know a snowbird from wyoming.Acording to him his hat blew off and pinned itself up on the barn,it will still be pinned by the wind till he gets home.

A gun is like a fire extinguisher,you use it while you wait for 911

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Old Yesterday, 04:51 PM ? #9

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Sometimes, leaving isn't the best option. BUT, standing your ground is. I was basically told by a lady "Then I think you should go back to Alabama." I will not retreat unless there is NO other option.

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Old Yesterday, 05:21 PM ? #10

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"A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington

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Old Yesterday, 05:24 PM ? #11

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Unfortunately, these tree-hugging, anti-gun crusaders have the law and courts on their side. These jackasses brought in Mark Kelly, transportation and speech writers paid for by Michael Bloomberg's group to speak his support for anti-gun laws.

These people are just insane.

We have no one fighting on our side that can anywhere near match the power and control of these communists.

The instance anyone talks about violence in response to these attacks agaist our God-given rights, even the 2nd Amendment supporters ostracize and term these people terrorists for threatening violence. But seriously, what can we do? We can talk and bitch and moan about these tyrants, but in the end, what good does it really do us? They will continue to force their rule upon what used to be a free people. And, by and in large, the people of this country don't care. The majority of the peope in this country don't think what has happened to all civilizations before can happen here. They are arrogant and ignorant thinking we are somehow immune to the repetetive course of history that has befallen so many other content societies before. I hear this over and over: that would never happen, "we have rights protecting us from that." Not when you continue giving away those rights one by one. It is as though people cant add 1+1.

And I hear so much talk about though these laws may pass, they will not impede the sport of hunting. This confuses me greatly. Hunting is a privelage, not a right. The 2nd amendment isn't about hunting, so why do they continue to talk about these things? And another thing. . . One purpose of the constitution is to protect the minority. I see publications over and over again that the majority of people are against firearm ownership. Who cares what the majority thinks? It is a right afforded to us by the constitution, not something that can simply be voted on and have the majority decide its fate.

Then, this concept that "the constitution is a living document to be interpreted over time" is a load of crap. All that translates to me is: "It may protect you now, but we elite tyrants will again have you by the sack eventually."

Then they talk about liberals as though the liberals are for regular people, conservatives are about big money and dont care about the little guy. Yea. . . Pay no mind to the money George Soros pumps into the Tyrant party. Don't mind the $8,000 dress that Mrs. Obama wore to the Oscars while a mile down the road, a soup kitchen ran out of food and couldn't pay their utility bill that month. Yes, they certainly care about the little guy a whole lot.

The fires of ignorance are burning, and no one has set up a fire break.

Don't let their ignorance and hate intimidate.

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Old Yesterday, 06:03 PM ? #12

Firearm Zealot


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Sad to see Colorado go the way of the NWO.
We have to learn how to be better speakers than them
First you have to have the facts to counter them.
If they call you a racist, call them a communist.

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Old Yesterday, 06:18 PM ? #13

Firearm Zealot


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Sad to see Colorado go the way of the NWO.
We have to learn how to be better speakers than them
First you have to have the facts to counter them.
If they call you a racist, call them a communist.

It is political tactics. Joe Biden, California, Michael Bloomberg are involved in this. Their hopes are to get it passed here and use us as an example that: Well, Colorado passed it. They are cowboys, country folk and conservatives, so these laws can't be bad. And if they can live with these laws, why can't or shouldn't Texas, Montana, Wyoming, Oklahoma or Alaska live with them too? The beginning here was when Denver became a sancuary city for illegal immigrants. That diluted the voter base to allow people to vote that don't know or care about the history of our country, about the blood shed to keep it. All they saw was one hand out with a few scraps of food and coin held out, not noticing the shiv in the other.

Tyranny, coming to you soon.

Don't let their ignorance and hate intimidate.

Last edited by CrazyIvan; Yesterday at 06:20 PM.

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Old Yesterday, 07:16 PM ? #14

Firearm Zealot


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Sometimes, leaving isn't the best option. BUT, standing your ground is. I was basically told by a lady "Then I think you should go back to Alabama." I will not retreat unless there is NO other option.

I am leaving, it's not a retreat though. I have never liked living in Minnesota, and if not for family obligations which are no longer present I would never have come back here from any of the states I lived, or worked in. Sometime in the next couple months I am going to be relocated and I can't wait.

Between the winters, and the people it's like waiting to be let out of school at the end of the year. When I show this state by backside I will not look back. I would rather live in Alabama, never though I have never been there. I enjoy the South, but my experience is entirely limited to Georgia, and Virginia.

Verd ori'shya beskar'gam. - "A warrior is more than his armor"

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Old Yesterday, 08:45 PM ? #15

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Unfortunately, these tree-hugging, anti-gun crusaders have the law and courts on their side. These jackasses brought in Mark Kelly, transportation and speech writers paid for by Michael Bloomberg's group to speak his support for anti-gun laws.

These people are just insane.

We have no one fighting on our side that can anywhere near match the power and control of these communists.

The instance anyone talks about violence in response to these attacks agaist our God-given rights, even the 2nd Amendment supporters ostracize and term these people terrorists for threatening violence. But seriously, what can we do? We can talk and bitch and moan about these tyrants, but in the end, what good does it really do us? They will continue to force their rule upon what used to be a free people. And, by and in large, the people of this country don't care. The majority of the peope in this country don't think what has happened to all civilizations before can happen here. They are arrogant and ignorant thinking we are somehow immune to the repetetive course of history that has befallen so many other content societies before. I hear this over and over: that would never happen, "we have rights protecting us from that." Not when you continue giving away those rights one by one. It is as though people cant add 1+1.

And I hear so much talk about though these laws may pass, they will not impede the sport of hunting. This confuses me greatly. Hunting is a privelage, not a right. The 2nd amendment isn't about hunting, so why do they continue to talk about these things? And another thing. . . One purpose of the constitution is to protect the minority. I see publications over and over again that the majority of people are against firearm ownership. Who cares what the majority thinks? It is a right afforded to us by the constitution, not something that can simply be voted on and have the majority decide its fate.

Then, this concept that "the constitution is a living document to be interpreted over time" is a load of crap. All that translates to me is: "It may protect you now, but we elite tyrants will again have you by the sack eventually."

Then they talk about liberals as though the liberals are for regular people, conservatives are about big money and dont care about the little guy. Yea. . . Pay no mind to the money George Soros pumps into the Tyrant party. Don't mind the $8,000 dress that Mrs. Obama wore to the Oscars while a mile down the road, a soup kitchen ran out of food and couldn't pay their utility bill that month. Yes, they certainly care about the little guy a whole lot.

The fires of ignorance are burning, and no one has set up a fire break.

Very well put. Don't limit this to just CO. I believe the rest of the country is headed in this direction. Just like the muslims in Europe.Take over in small increments until they rule.Mark my words. Our days are numbered. The Gov. is gearing toward this. jmo
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Old Yesterday, 08:55 PM ? #16

Firearm Aficionado


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Very well put. Don't limit this to just CO. I believe the rest of the country is headed in this direction. Just like the muslims in Europe.Take over in small increments until they rule.Mark my words. Our days are numbered. The Gov. is gearing toward this. jmo

He has a point. In England in the 1850s pretty much every man went about armed at all times. Statutory law stated that the men of England had the right to defend themselves, their families and their country. In just a few decades the country went anti-gun. In a century the entire empire went anti-gun. (With the exception of Isle of Man, which is largely a Libertarian wet dream by all accounts)
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Old Yesterday, 09:14 PM ? #17

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The liberals wouldn't like it HERE! They don't like discomfort, and the chiggers and ticks would eat 'em alive! The summers can be bad, and the winters worse! Only good hardy conservative downhome folks can handle Oklahoma, so y'all come and sit a spell, and we'll talk about guns and fishin' and huntin' til the cows come home!

Did y'all notice I didn't use the D or R words? I kinda figgered!

Adapt, improvise, overcome.-Gysgt Highway, Heartbreak Ridge


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Old Yesterday, 09:17 PM ? #18

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Ivan, can't blame you for fleeing. As to skiing, I never engage in any sport where they park an ambulance at the bottom of the hill.


Am I ready to protect my 2nd Amendment rights? Hell, I quit third grade because they had recess!

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Old Yesterday, 09:56 PM ? #19

Firearm Zealot


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They took over and ruined California, and then spread to New Mexico, some of them stopping in Arizona along the way. Now they're about to completely destroy Colorado, and they will then continue the journey to another decent state, and try to spread their evil and destruction once again! Arizona has held out against the tidalwave of dot-com rich liberal retirees, and that initself is rather puzzling! How do you guys keep them at bay? Here in Oklahoma, the only folks who settle are the ones who can survive the tough lifestyle, and I NEVER met a liberal that didn't require the finer things in life! So we're pretty safe for now!

Adapt, improvise, overcome.-Gysgt Highway, Heartbreak Ridge


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