Thursday, February 2, 2012

CFP - JSBM Special Issue on Entrep Education - ICSB

Call for Papers:

Measuring the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education

Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM)

2013 Special Issue (Issue 51, Volume 1)

Guest Editors:

George Vozikis, California State University, Fresno

George Solomon, George Washington University

Doan Winkel, Illinois State University

Background and objectives of the special issue

Those institutions and individuals creating and delivering entrepreneurship education seek to provide various students (undergraduate, graduate, business, non-business, etc.) with skills, strategies, knowledge, and motivation to improve their chances of entrepreneurial success (Ronstadt, 1985). This success could manifest in, for instance, founding a sustainable business, or transforming an existing small business or corporation in innovative ways. Preliminary evidence suggests that entrepreneurship education is indeed related to becoming an entrepreneur and to entrepreneurial success (Dickson, Solomon, & Weaver, 2008). However, given the rapid pace of adoption of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions across the globe, and the technological, regulatory, economic and other contextual revolutions occurring in today?s world, today?s entrepreneurship educator can be easily overwhelmed with the task of preparing their students for an entrepreneurial career.

The purpose of the special issue is to describe, analyze, and improve our understanding of effective practices in engaging students in the entrepreneurship classroom. We seek conceptual and empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) contributions that consider the learning and educational implications of entrepreneurship for business and non-business educators, for-profit and non-profit businesses, and community organizations. More specifically, this special issue aims to address challenges and emerging solutions in the entrepreneurial classroom and beyond. In this vein, we encourage submissions that address entrepreneurship education in academic or non-academic settings. Contributions stemming from the Entrepreneurship Education Project ( dataset or that address any of the following are especially encouraged:

1. Use diverse theoretical and empirical perspectives to explore the diverse means of delivering engaging learning experiences to entrepreneurship students

2. Develop measures of success in entrepreneurship education

3. Present proven strategies and best practices for engaging students in the entrepreneurship classroom and for bridging the gap between educational experience and implementation of entrepreneurial behavior

4. Illustrate institutional factors that foster a productive entrepreneurship learning environment

5. Present new ideas for designing, implementing, and evaluating entrepreneurship education

Some research questions and issues that contributions might address, among many others, are:

1. How can educators create realistic, engaging entrepreneurial experiences for their students? What specific pedagogical techniques successfully motivate and develop entrepreneurs? How do these techniques differ by region, culture, country, or level of education?

2. How does entrepreneurship education differ between business students and non-business students? (see previous (dated) Kauffman reposts like the New Mexico report found here:

3. How can higher education institutions inject a culture of entrepreneurship into their fabric of learning?

4. What topics in entrepreneurship are most important to address in business or non-business curricula? What differences are there regionally, culturally, or between levels of education (i.e., undergraduate vs. graduate)?

Deadlines and important dates for the Special Issue



Deadline for submission of manuscript

June 1, 2012

First round of reviews

July 1, 2012

Submission of revised manuscript

September 1, 2012

Second round of reviews

October 1, 2012

Expected delivery to JSBM

December 15, 2012


Please submit your manuscript to and indicate in the submission form that your paper is for the special issue on entrepreneurship education.


Dickson, P. H., Solomon, G. T., & Weaver, K. M. (2008). Entrepreneurial selection and success: Does education matter? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 15(2), 239-258.

Ronstadt, R. (1985). The educated entrepreneurs: A new era of entrepreneurial education is beginning. American Journal of Small Business, 10(1), 7-23.


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