Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rectangle Class - C And C++ | Dream.In.Code

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    2 Replies - 30 Views - Last Post: Today, 09:16 AM Rate Topic: -----

    #1 JJu-256 ?Icon User is offline

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    Posted Today, 08:10 AM

    I have three files for my rectangle class program. This code will get the length and width entered by a user then calculate the area and perimeter with it. In this case the area and the perimeter are a very sticky large number and that defeats the very purpose of writing the program. I don't know why the number persists as indicated in the picture attached. I will appreciate any suggestion in the right direction. Thanks.
 #ifndef RECTANGLE_H #define RECTANGLE_H #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Rectangle {     public:         Rectangle(float l, float w);         void setL(float l);         float getL();         void setW(float w);         float getW(); 		void setArea(float area);         float getArea(); 		void setPerimeter(float perimeter);         float getPerimeter(); 		void displayMessage();     private:    float l, w, area, perimeter; };  #endif // RECTANGLE_H  
 #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; #include "Rectangle.h"  Rectangle::Rectangle(float l=0.0, float w=0.0) {  setL(l);  setW(w); } void Rectangle::setL(float l) {   do { cout << "\n Enter the length of the rectangle \t"; cin >> l; } 	while ((l<0.0) || (l > 20.0)); 	l = l;     } float Rectangle::getL() {  return l; }  void Rectangle::setW(float w)     {   do  { 	cout <<"\n Enter the width of the rectangle\t"; 	cin >> w; } 	while ((w<0.0) || (w > 20.0)); 	 w = w;     } float Rectangle::getW() {     return w; } void Rectangle::setArea(float area) { area =  w * l; cout <<"\n The area of the rectangle is:\t"<<area<<endl; } float Rectangle::getArea() { float area=0.0; return area; } void Rectangle::setPerimeter(float perimeter) { perimeter = ((2 * l) + (2 * w)); cout << " \n The perimeter of the rectangle is:\t"<<perimeter<<endl; } float Rectangle::getPerimeter() { float perimeter=0.0; return perimeter;	 }  void Rectangle::displayMessage() {     cout << "\n-----------------Thank you performing the exercise-----------------\t"<<"!"<< endl;     //cout << "\nThis is for" <<getEmployeeNamel()<<","<<getEmployeeNamef<< "ID number" <<"***"<<"***"<<endl;     system("pause"); }  [code] #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; #include "Rectangle.h"  int main() { Rectangle myRectangle(0.0, 0.0);  myRectangle.setArea(0.0);  myRectangle.setPerimeter(0.0); myRectangle.displayMessage(); return 0; }  


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    Replies To: Rectangle class

    #2 macosxnerd101 ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Rectangle class

    Posted Today, 08:26 AM

    Please stop posting help questions in the Challenges subforum. It is for fun challenges, NOT help questions. You have been asked many times to post in the correct forum.

    #3 jimblumberg ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: Rectangle class

    Posted Today, 09:16 AM

    First I suggest you use more descriptive variable names for your class variables. And using a name like l is not advised, it is too easy to confuse with the number 1.

    Next find an indentation style you like and use it consistently, then reading your program and following it's logic will be much easier.

    Looking at your numbers I suspect you are using an uninitialized variable somewhere in your calculations.

    Lastly I don't recommend getting user input in your class constructor. If you must get user input call a method function after you properly construct the class. Getting user input is error prone and if it fails in your constructor you have no way of insuring your class is properly constructed.


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