Sunday, December 25, 2011

Z-Academy IC

Japan is the most technologically advanced nation on the Planet Earth. This is thanks to the Capsule Corporation, a trillion dollar a month company that made the Briefs family and all of their shareholders into billionaires. The secret of their riches was the ability to pack any item into a capsule that could be deployed at any time. Everything from a car to a toy could be released, and in the centuries since the company was founded, almost everything can fit into one little capsule. While originally based in West City, it had moved to Hercule City and made it a booming metropolis. Hercule City, Japan was the new capital of the world.

Just outside this city stood a small wooden hut. It was a crude structure, and held no running water, indoor plumbing, or electricity. It only held one lone occupant, a young warrior named Ryukyu Taizan. The 13-year-old boy opened his eyes, shielding them from the early morning sun. It was 5:00 AM, and he had only an hour to get ready. Getting out of bed, he proceeded to get ready.

After doing his business in the surrounding wilderness, he bathed in a small pond not far from there. He could hear the rush of the river, which was where he fetched his drinking and cooking water and washed his clothes. When he wanted to eat, he hunted in the woods, captured, cooked, and then ate his prey. It was a life that most people in the world would find barbaric, but it suited Taizan just fine. He was a descendant of the Ainu, an early people in Japan who had lived just like this before being chased into the mountains of Hokkaido by the early Japanese. Thanks to the Capsule Corporation, the language barrier between the Ainu and the Japanese had been broken, and his people became modernized.

But his father had clung to the old ways, knowing that someone would have to carry on the culture and traditions of the Ainu. Taizan was the result of the union between an Ainu man and a Japanese woman, and though he was only half-Japanese, he would never admit to his Ainu heritage. It was simply a way to protect what little culture was left. Given that he looked Japanese and could speak the language at a native level, most would not question his ethnicity. Even so, Taizan preferred to live apart from them. The forest around Hercule City was his home, now and forever.

There was one other thing that separated Taizan from other Japanese boys his age. He had learned how to use his Ki, his body's natural energy, and it augmented his strength, speed, and agility. Taizan had discovered it by accident, after it came out toward the end of a particularly exhausting training regimen. Two blasts had knocked holes in his ceiling, and he had spent the rest of the evening patching them. Taizan spent almost all of his time training his body and Ki. The reason for this was rooted in his past.

When Taizan was six years old, aliens attacked the Planet Earth. They had focused their attack mainly on Hercule City, but a stray bolt from one of their ship's cannons blew apart his structure. The explosion killed his parents and left him buried under rubble. The military, with the help of the Capsule Corporation, had chased off the aliens by the time Taizan dug himself out. But, that day changed everything for him. He was grief-stricken, and vowed to someday get revenge on the aliens that robbed him of his parents.

Taizan developed what most would call an unhealthy fixation on training and the martial arts. He would exercise for hours on end, often training until he passed out. He would punch and kick at a wooden wall until his knuckles bled and his legs were bruised and calloused. It all had a positive result, as he had a bodybuilder's physique at age thirteen. After he discovered his Ki, he did research at the Hercule City Library and discovered ways to increase it and practice it. His research also revealed information on the Namekian Z-Fighter, Piccolo.

Piccolo was a loner and had a rough early life. Taizan latched on to this and made him his idol. As a show of admiration, his first ever technique, the Mouth Blast, was based on one of Piccolo's techniques. He was still working on building up callouses in his throat, so that when he used it, it did not hurt or make his throat bleed. All of this energy usage caught the eye of a man named Hinoki. He came to visit him one day, and told him that he was the Grandmaster of a school in Hercule City called the Z-Academy.

The school was meant to cater to warriors like him, who had learned to use Ki. Hinoki had been impressed with Taizan's work ethic and aptitude, and offered him a place at the Z-Academy. Taizan was not sure that he wanted to go, but today was Orientation Day, and if it was anything like what Hinoki had said, then he definitely needed to train there. After getting dressed in black weighted Kung Fu shoes, white pants, and a blue tunic, he set off for Hercule City. He arrived there in about ten minutes, and then went to the address Grandmaster Hinoki gave him. Taizan was awestruck by what he saw.

The building was huge and topped with a dome. It was connected to other buildings, and looked like a city unto itself. Taizan entered and became uneasy when he heard the buzz of voices. He followed them to the auditorium, where hundreds of teens like him were seated. After finding a seat away from everybody else, he sat down. On the stage in front of him was a podium, where he guessed the speaker that everyone seemed to waiting for would appear.

Taizan wanted to center himself, so he closed his eyes. He was a fiend for meditation, and when not physically training, eating, or sleeping, he could always be found in one of two stages. His first was just to center himself and focus his being into one point, such as when he wanted to listen very closely to a speaker or feel at one with nature. His other stage was when he was trying to break the chains of limitation on his Ki through intense focus, or when he was trying to gather his Ki into a certain body part, like his elbow joint. The first stage helped him block out the noise, and he felt better. Now was the time to wait for the speakers, and decide if the Z-Academy was right for him.


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